The body of a grand mother who passed away 17 years ago was finaly laid to rest on Saturday in Mbusyani village, Machakos County.
The late Esther Nzakwa Kitivo passed away back in 2004 but could not be buried back then because of a family land dispute.
Nzakwa was the first wife of one Gideon Kitivo – deceased, who had other wives. The late Nzakwa identified a piece of land which she believed was entitled to her by her late husband.
According to family sources, it is in this piece of land where she wished to be buried when she died.
Unfortunately, she had no idea that his step son claimed the ownership of this same piece of land.
Nzakwa died on 31st August 2004 but could not be buried back then in this piece of land as his step son Morris Kitivo already had legal land ownership certifications from the Land Commission.
Morris Kitivo moved to court to stop the burial of his step mother in the piece of land he already legally owned.

The case dragged in court and by 2014, 7 judges had listened to it. The court however has not concluded the case.
It is Nzakwa’s son, Michael Kitivo who finally decided to bury his mother in his home while the family awaits the court’s vaddict on the case.
“We thank God for giving our mother 93 years in life and 17 more years in death,” Michael Kitivo said in part of his eulogy of his late mother.